When/how often are you without a device for a prolonged period? What is the effect on you?
Last April, 2019, I went on a mission trip to an impoverished community in Mississippi. One of the requirements to this trip was that we were not allowed to bring our cell phones with us. Before I went, I thought two weeks without my iPhone was going to be very hard. However once I got there, I was so emerged into the community and helping them that I forgot all about my phone and the need for it. Ever since that trip I have felt less need for my phone. Everyday I spend a certain amount of time without my phone; I spent an hour away from it daily as well as when I am at hockey. I don’t have a hard time letting go of my phone for awhile because the easiest way to let go is by doing something more fun. I like to use my time to go outside or play sports, so, when I am doing those things I don’t feel the need to use my phone. I think if everyone found something that they enjoyed and did that thing without their phones they would be much happier.
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