Collaboration is a huge part of almost every aspect of our lives. We collaborate with coworkers, family members, and friends to create significant work. When I began to look for a painting or sculpture that resonated collaboration to me, I wanted to find something that two people created together. I found these painting and thought that they were very interesting and as I researched a little deeper into the artist, I found that she takes her three-year-old’s paintings and creates a picture out of them. I found it amazing that this collaboration was between a three-year-old and a mother. The truth about collaboration is people are working together to create something amazing, no matter how young or old, they are working and putting their skills together to create a good outcome. Some people could look at the three-year-old’s painting and think nothing of it but by painting an outline around the art, something amazing was created. To me, that is what collaboration is all about, putting two minds together to create something amazing.
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Absolutely fascinating! Excellent work and thanks for thinking “outside the box”.
This is gorgeous and meaninful! Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi Avery, I think that your perspective on collaboration is very unique. You made me think different about collaboration because I personally would’ve never considered looking into paintings and learning about the people who made them. I love how it was a mother and her three-year-old child who created these paintings, because I never would’ve expected that since they came out looking so good. Your reflection truly proves that collaboration can be done between anyone, and the outcomes can surprise us. You also made me think differently about collaboration because I did not recognize that collaboration occurs in basically every aspect of our lives; I was just thinking in healthcare wise. Also, I figured that collaboration occurred through a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals. However, you showed me that the simplest interactions can be collaborative; even if it is a child who has minimal knowledge and is just spending their time painting with their mother.
Hi! I found your choice of image very interesting. I also found your perspective on collabration very refreshing as it represented collaboration in a non-professional environment. Your choice of image was both similar and different to mine. It was similar in the sense that it was a collaboration between an artist and another party, yours being a mothers child, and , mine being an professional team. However, where our images differ relates to the fact that you represented calibration as being in all aspects of life and I more focused on health care. Your post defiantly made me think more about collaboration and how I can apply it to various aspects of my own life. At the end of the day collaboration is an essential aspect of life. Working with others not only promotes interconnections to reach a common goal but helps one expand and grow indivdiually as well.
Hello, I reviewed your view on collaboration too and saw similarities too. I took this perspective because I felt like we were all very focused on the idea of collaboration in health care, which makes sense. However, I knew that collaboration happens every where in daily living. I thought by sharing this idea of collaboration between a mother and a child (very unusual parties) we would be able to understand that collaboration is every where and between everyone. I agree that collaboration is an essential aspect of life! Thank you for your comment!