Through this team project, I learned a lot about myself and my teammates, as well as ways to manage conflict. Before this project, I knew I had characteristics of leadership, but I often struggled with not being the leader. However, in this project I was able to let another individual lead and I recommended ideas but was not the team leader. This newfound knowledge will help me in the future with my nursing practice because I will be able to lead others but also let others lead, which I think is a very valuable characteristic in a team. This team project helped me better understand quality improvement and evidence-based practice initiatives that will be part of my nursing practice. The project allowed me to work as a team to finalize an evidence-based practice report that helped me understand how to work in a team on something that may be a large part of my practice in the future.

Our team process was dividing and conquering. We divided up and equally worked on the project. After we finished our piece we would peer-review the other team members’ work and critically appraise it. This allowed us to work efficiently and work well. This team process allowed us to complete valuable work for our project. I learned that as a team member myself I can lead but also follow. I also learned how to recommend another member to change something in a positive way that does not cause strife. This project truly helped me learn many things about myself and my ability to work within a team.