Prior to the Needle Exchange Program Lecture last Thursday, I did not have any preconceived notions about the program. I did not have any preconceived thoughts because I truly did not realize a program that helped people who are struggling with IV drug use find safe supplies existed. I was surprised and very grateful for the amount of work and care the volunteers and workers at the Needle Exchange did to provide to these individuals. Allowing individuals within this population to have a safe handling of medication, new needles, and Narcan can help resolve many health disparities within this population.

Some patients that use IV drugs may receive Hepatitis B or C and other contractable diseases. They also have a likelihood of overdosing due to too much medication. Through this clinic providing new needles and supplies, as well as Narcan, to individuals within this population the risk of health disparities lowers. Some individuals also struggle with receiving healthcare so receiving education and safe supplies can become very difficult. Through this program, these individuals can receive education and safe supplies that they need to safely handle the medication and needles. These are many useful things that I can apply to my future nursing practice. I will provide the resources of the Needle Exchange Program and education on safe handling and Narcan to my patients so they can safely handle these medications.