After finishing the dissemination project, we looked for thoughtful and important responses from the unit we did our project for. The response was that the staff that did the survey agreed on the feasibility of improvement of sleep quality because it is something many individuals in the hospital struggle with. They also agree that it was feasible to implement the new practices within their unit to better the outcome for patients overall. Their feedback included difficulty accessing certain interventions to improve sleep. Having the accessibility of fans, aromatherapy, white noise machines can be difficult. Other feedback that was important to consider was the cost of the sleep interventions. Overall, the unit staff responded very well to the project and look forward to trying to implement these new practices into their daily practices for patients.
This project taught me many different things that can be used within my future practice of nursing. First, I learned that I can effectively and efficiently work with others to create a great outcome. In the hospital, the staff are always working together to provide the best care for the patients. I know I can work well with others which is extremely important for my future position in the nursing world. Through working on this project, I was able to dissect evidence-based articles to create a project that can improve the overall outcome for the patients. I now understand that I can work through scholarly articles to work on a project which will greatly benefit me in the future because nursing improves through new evidence-based practices.
I have learned many things about myself from this project. By working on this project with a group helped me learn a different approach of working on projects. We were able to break up the work into equal parts and discuss our parts with the rest of the team to continuously improve the project. This process helped us succeed with this project. As a team member, I realized I did not have to control the entire project. Oftentimes I enjoy being the leader and leading the team. However, this project I allowed myself to let others lead and follow by example. Before this project, I always viewed myself as only a leader that could not follow others, but this project allowed me to discover a new part of myself which I think improves my ability to work in groups.
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