I plan to become licensed by examination in Maine. It is part of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). The application for licensing in Maine is web-based and the application requires me to send official transcripts and a sign off from the director of the program. Maine also requires both criminal background checks (CBC) and finger printing. CBC must be completed prior to the date of examination and is only valid for 90 days. The CBC process is through the Maine State Board of Nursing application. To get fingerprinted, I need to travel to a location in Maine that is accepted by the Maine State Board and get go through the process of finger printing there.

After listening to the presentations from the District Attorney’s Office and Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP), I reflected on how the Maine State Board of Nursing helps provide care and education on different issues that may arise. On the website, it provides information about being required to report suspected impairment or other issues that require disciplinary measures. There are resources for recovery on the Maine State Board of Nursing Website, including links to MPHP. I plan to protect myself and my license from legal issues by documenting in general, as well as documenting incidents through an incident report. I will also notify both the nurse manger and anyone else I need to if an issue arises.