Category: EPB 1 Posts
The influence paper, “The Impact of Exercise on Depression Levels in College Students” is a research paper that was worked on and created throughout the semester by three other classmates: McKenna Remillard, Kallie Collinge, Madison Lomax, and myself. Through this research paper, we discussed the question “In college-aged individuals who suffer from depression, what is the impact of exercise in conjunction with current pharmacological treatment, as compared to current pharmacological treatment alone to impact the individual’s symptoms of depression?” by researching three different peer-reviewed journal articles. Depression is a problem that we see in society, and, through this research, we wanted to discuss exercise as a non-pharmacological way to treat depression symptoms.
Through this team project, I learned a lot about myself and my teammates, as well as ways to manage conflict. Before this project, I knew I had characteristics of leadership, but I often struggled with not being the leader. However, in this project I was able to let another individual lead and I recommended ideas but was not the team leader. This newfound knowledge will help me in the future with my nursing practice because I will be able to lead others but also let others lead, which I think is a very valuable characteristic in a team. This team project helped me better understand quality improvement and evidence-based practice initiatives that will be part of my nursing practice. The project allowed me to work as a team to finalize an evidence-based practice report that helped me understand how to work in a team on something that may be a large part of my practice in the future.
Our team process was dividing and conquering. We divided up and equally worked on the project. After we finished our piece we would peer-review the other team members’ work and critically appraise it. This allowed us to work efficiently and work well. This team process allowed us to complete valuable work for our project. I learned that as a team member myself I can lead but also follow. I also learned how to recommend another member to change something in a positive way that does not cause strife. This project truly helped me learn many things about myself and my ability to work within a team.
After completing all ethical assignments, my understanding of the nurse’s contribution to ethical conduct of research and implementation of research has not changed dramatically. Ethical conduct of research and implementation of research are so important in nursing because there is a potential you will be basing your care on this research. I knew it was important for a nurse to thoroughly check the ethical conduct of a research paper because it will be used to care for patients. Due to this, I believe my understanding has grown but has not changed dramatically.
It is also very important for nurses to know the historical evolution and principles of research ethics. Understanding historical events such as The Tuskegee Study is important so something like that will never happen in the future. In Miss Evers’ Boys, it showed how problematic and ethically wrong The Tuskegee Study was. It is a very good movie for nurses to watch to understand how important ethics is for their patients. Nurses should know the historical lack of research and ethics in studies so, in the future, they can provide better ethics for populations that need medical care.
After finishing the course objectives, I feel as though I am very capable of participating in the ethical conduct of research, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice initiatives. When I become a nurse, I plan to use these course objectives to help initiate evidence-based practices with my team as well as participate in ethical conduct and quality improvement to further better my care of individuals. This course has given me the key fundamentals to continue to make ethical conduct, quality improvement, and evidence-based practices better for the future.
Through evidence appraisal and synthesis, I discovered a lot about my team’s topic of amount of exercise related to depression symptoms in college-aged people. Although our topic was specific to an age group I was surprised with the number of articles and appraisal there were for it. The literature appraisal and synthesis did not change my assumptions on this topic. Most of the appraisals showed that with exercise depression symptoms decreased, which was my original assumption. These findings will impact my future nursing practice because I will incorporate exercise into almost every care plan I create. Before reading these articles, I knew exercise was important to maintain proper mental and physical health. However, I know have numerous articles that helped me understand why exercise was so important. I plan to incorporate these finding a lot in my future nursing practice. My team members and I all had similar assumptions about this topic, so we all arrived at very similar conclusions about the findings. Although we came to the same conclusions and there were no challenges to our collaboration, if there were we would make sure to all meet up and talk though these challenges.
After my team completed the PICOT question, we did have to revise it slightly. We needed to be more specific on the idea of quality of life in our question. We were challenged with how to change the question to be more specific but also still make sense for what we wanted to do. We solved this challenge by talking through it together, each of us came up with different ways to say the question/statement and pulled ideas from each group member to make a more thorough PICOT question. Through this challenge, we were able to succeed on having a better, well-formed question. We did not have any challenges with team collaboration, each team member participated actively. If we had problems, we would have sat down and spoken through the problem to achieve success.
I believe this team project will be accomplished through communication and creating equal parts for each team member. We will accomplish this through communication by creating a group chat through text, meeting in person to discuss the work, and creating a google document that everyone can work on. We will all hold each other accountable by breaking up the work equally and reminding members to finish their work by the due date. If someone is not completing their designated work or there are any other conflicts, the other team members will meet with that person and figure out a solution. The benefits of working with others are being able to break up the work and prove the best work for each member. There is less work for each member when everyone is doing their part. The barriers of collaborative projects are some members not putting as much work in as others and disagreements within the team. Collaborative projects will be useful now because in the field of nursing there are numerous members of a team working together to create the best plan for patients. Nursing is an interprofessional field, so working with others and figuring out the best way to partake in collaboration will benefit us in the future.
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